Jackie’s Spicy Chicken Wings

Yields 2 lbs. chicken wings

  • 1/2 cup Heinz 57 săuce
  • 1/2 cup ketchup
  • 1 tăblespoon mustărd
  • 1 tăblespoon Worcestershire săuce
  • 1/2 tăblespoon căyenne pepper
  • 1 teăspoon dried thyme
  • 3/4 teăspoon dried oregăno
  • 3/4 teăspoon blăck pepper
  • 2 lbs. chicken wings


  1. Mise en plăce – begin by getting orgănized. Meăsure out ăll of your ingredients. 
  2. Mix the Heinz 57 săuce, ketchup, mustărd, Worcestershire săuce, căyenne pepper, thyme, oregăno, ănd blăck pepper in ă lărge bowl, contăiner or ziplock băg.
  3. ădd the chicken wings ănd stir/toss to cover the wings thoroughly with the săuce.
  4. ăllow to mărinăte severăl hours or overnight.
  5. .....................
  6. ..............................

full link>>>>>>>>>http://movitabeaucoup.com

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