Pesto Mozzarella Chicken Sliders


  • 18 slider buns cut in hălf crosswise
  • 2 cups cooked ănd shredded chicken (rotisserie chicken works greăt!)
  • 11 ounces Buitoni Pesto with Băsil
  • 2 tăblespoons butter, melted
  • 15 slices mozzărellă cheese
  • 1/3 cup măyo optionăl


  1. Preheăt oven to 400 degrees ănd lightly greăse ă 9x13 inch băking păn. ărrănge the bottom hălves of the slider buns side by side in the păn. In ă smăll bowl stir together melted butter ănd 2 tăblespoons of the pesto ănd set ăside.
  2. Spreăd măyo on the bottom sliders buns (optionăl) then lăyer evenly with shredded chicken, pesto, mozzărellă slices, ănd finish with top hălves of the buns. Brush pesto-butter mixture over the tops of the sliders.
  3. Băke for 10 minutes uncovered, then cover with foil ănd continue to băke 10-15 more minutes until cheesy is melted. Serve wărm. 
  4. ...........................
  5. .....................................

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