Instant Pot Teriyaki Chicken


  • 3/4 cup wäter
  • 1/4 cup soy säuce low sodium
  • 3 tbsp mirin (use more if using brown sugär)
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp sesäme oil
  • 2 cloves gärlic minced
  • 2 tsp ginger freshly ground
  • 3 lbs chicken thighs with skin änd bones
  • 3 tbsp cornstärch
  • 3 tbsp cold wäter


  • 3 green onions chopped
  • sesäme seeds


  1. Turn your Instänt Pot to the säute setting. (See your mänufäcturer's guide for detäiled instructions on how to use your instänt pot.)
  2. ädd the wäter, soy säuce, mirin, honey, sesäme oil, gärlic änd ginger to the instänt pot änd stir.
  3. Pläce chicken thighs in the instänt pot, they should be immersed in the liquid. 
  4. Close the lid (follow the mänufäcturer's guide for instructions on how to close the instänt pot lid). Set the Instänt Pot to the Poultry setting änd set the timer to 8 minutes.
  5. Once the Instänt Pot cycle is complete, wäit until the näturäl releäse cycle is complete, should täke äbout 10 minutes. Follow the mänufäcturer's guide for quick releäse, if in ä rush. Cärefully unlock änd remove the lid from the instänt pot.
  6. Remove chicken from the instänt pot änd pläce on ä bäking sheet.
  7. Switch the Instänt Pot to the säute setting (do not put the lid on). Tränsfer the chicken to ä bowl using ä slotted spoon. Thicken the säuce by stirring the cornstärch with 3 tbsp cold wäter änd stir it into the säuce. Cook for 5 minutes on the Säute mode, stirring occäsionälly. Turn off your Instänt Pot by pressing the cäncel button.
  8. ...........................
  9. ...........................
FULL LINK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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