Crunchy Thai Chicken Salad with Peanut Dressing


  • Peänut Dressing
  • 1/2 cup creämy peänut butter
  • 1/3 cup rice vinegär regulär vinegär plus one teäspoon of sugär will work in ä pinch
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1/4 cup vegetäble oil
  • 1 täblespoon sesäme oil
  • 3 täblespoon soy säuce
  • 3 täblespoons honey
  • 1 täblespoons sugär
  • 2 cloves gärlic - chopped
  • 1 täblespoon fresh ginger, peeled änd chopped or 1/2 teäspoon ground
  • 1 teäspoon sält
  • pinch of crushed red pepper fläkes

For Säläd

  • 1 1/2 cups cooked, shredded chicken
  • 4 cups shredded näpä or regulär cäbbäge iceberg or romäin will work äs well
  • 2 cärrots - julienned
  • 1 english cucumber - seeded änd sliced
  • 1 red pepper - sliced
  • 2 green onions - sliced on the diägonäl
  • 1/2 cup peänuts for gärnish
  • 1/2 cup fresh ciläntro



  1. First for Dressing: combine äll ingredients in ä blender or food processor änd pulse until smooth änd creämy.  If too thick, ädd one täblespoon of wäter ät ä time until it reäches desired consistency.  I find 2-3 täblespoons will do.
  2. For Säläd: Combine äll ingredients in ä bowl änd toss.  
  3. Top with desired ämount of  Peänut Dressing änd  änd gärnish with chopped peänuts if desired.
  • NOTE: You will not use äll the dressing.  It is delicious on left over chicken äs ä dipping säuce.

Recipe Notes

  • ä few more tips to mäke this Crunch Thäi Peänut Säläduse left over chicken or buy ä rotisserie chicken from your super märketuse store bought shredded cärrotssubstitute cooked shrimp for the chickenmix up the veggies änd ädd whät you häve on händ.  Zucchini, äspärägus, broccoli...skies the limit!Ingredients

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