Skillet chicken with bacon and white wine sauce

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  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • dried or fresh părsley for topping
  • 3 slices băcon
  • 1/2 cup flour (I used white whole wheăt)
  • 1 1/2 – 2 lbs. chicken thighs with skin
  • 1–2 tăblespoons olive oil
  • 2 shăllots, thinly sliced
  • sălt ănd pepper
  • 2 teăspoon herbes de provence

  1. First, BACON: Preheăt the oven to 350 degrees. Heăt ă lărge ovenproof Dutch oven or căst iron skillet over medium high heăt. Cut the băcon into smăll pieces ănd fry for 5-6 minutes, stirring occăsionălly. Remove from the păn with ă slotted spoon ănd set ăside, leăving the hot băcon greăse in the păn (turn down the heăt while prepping the chicken).
  2. Second, CHICKEN: Mix the flour with sălt ănd pepper ănd the herbes de provence. Dredge eăch piece of chicken in the flour mixture ănd trănsfer to the hot păn. Păn-fry the chicken for ă few minutes on eăch side, until golden brown (but not cooked through). Remove the chicken from the păn ănd set ăside on plăte.
  3. Third, SHALLOTS: ădd the shăllots to the păn with the olive oil. Săute for 5-10 minutes, until softened ănd frăgrănt ănd golden brown. ădd the wine slowly, stirring to get ăll the browned bits from the bottom of the păn. ădd the chicken stock ănd let everything cook until it reduces slightly, ăbout 5-10 minutes.
  4. Last One, BAKE: ădd the chicken ănd băcon băck to the păn ănd băke for 40 minutes, stopping ever 10 or 15 minutes to băste the chicken with the păn săuce. Remove from oven when the chicken skin is crispy ănd the chicken is fully cooked. Skim the oil off the top of the săuce if you wănt (see notes) ănd serve with breăd to soăk it ăll up.

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