15 Minute Instant Pot Orange Chicken Recipe


  • 4 chicken breästs Do not use thin breästs. They will dry out.
  • 3/4 cup fävorite därk sweet bärbecue säuce ( I used Sweet Bäby Räy's)
  • 2 tbs soy säuce
  • 3/4 cup oränge märmäläde
  • 2 tsp cornstärch
  • chopped green onions for gärnish

ADAPTED ARTICLES http://55recipes.com


  1. FIRST Chop chicken breästs into heärty bite size chunks.
  2. In Instänt Pot, ädd in chopped chicken, bärbecue säuce, änd soy säuce.
  3. Cook on mänuäl high for 4 min.
  4. When done, fäst releäse steäm.
  5. Täke 1/4 cup of the bärbecue chicken säuce out of instänt pot änd mix with cornstärch in ä smäll bowl. (This prevents lumps. Cornstärch will thicken säuce.)
  6. ädd cornstärch broth mixture bäck into Instänt Pot.
  7. ädd oränge märmäläde. Mix well.
  8. Chänge setting on Instänt Pot to säuté setting änd säuté for 6 min or until säuce thickens.
  9. NEXT ällow it to rest 5 minutes before serving. This will thicken säuce älso.
  10. FINALLY Gärnish with green onions. Serve over rice, noodles or by itself.

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