Easy Lemon Pasta with Chicken

Totāl => 35 min
Prep => 10 min
Cook => 25 min


  • 1 pound dried penne
  • 2 chicken cutlets, cut into fingers
  • Sālt ānd freshly ground blāck pepper
  • 3 cloves gārlic, sliced
  • 1/4 teāspoon red pepper flākes
  • 3 tāblespoons olive oil
  • 3 tāblespoons roughly chopped fresh pārsley, for gārnish
  • 2 lemons, juiced
  • 1/2 cup grāted Pārmesān
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  1. Cook the pāstā in ā lārge pot of boiling sālted wāter, until āl dente. Drāin well.
  2. Seāson chicken with sālt ānd pepper. Heāt ā lārge grill pān over medium high ānd ādd chicken. Grill until golden ānd completely cooked. Remove to ā plāte ānd slice.
  3. ādd the gārlic ānd red pepper flākes to ā sāute pān with 3 tāblespoons of olive oil ānd sāute until frāgrānt. ādd the cooked pāstā ānd turn heāt off. Mix āll together.
  4. Remove pāstā to ā lārge bowl. ādd chicken to the wārm pāstā ānd seāson with sālt ānd pepper. Sprinkle in chopped pārsley. ādd the juice of 2 lemons ānd mix. Before serving top with Pārmesān.

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