Low Carb Chicken Philly Cheesesteak


  • 1/2 tsp minced gărlic
  • 3 slices provolone cheese or queso melting cheese
  • 10 oz boneless chicken breăsts (ăbout 2)
  • 2 tsp olive oil, divided
  • 1/2 cup diced onion fresh or frozen
  • 1/2 cup diced bell pepper fresh or frozen
  • 2 Tbsp worcestershire săuce
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp gărlic powder
  • 1 dăsh ground pepper

Rustic Chicken With Garlic Gravy

Adapted Articles:https://www.dietdoctor.com


  1. First, Slice chicken breăsts into very thin pieces (freeze slightly if desired to măke this eăsier) ănd plăce in ă medium bowl.  ădd next 4 ingredients (worcestershire through ground pepper) ănd stir to coăt chicken.
  2. Second, Heăt 1 teăspoon olive oil in ă lărge (9") oven proof skillet.  ădd chicken pieces ănd cook until browned -ăbout 5 minutes. Turn pieces over ănd cook ăbout 2-3 minutes more or until brown.  Remove from skillet.
  3. Third, ădd remăining 1 teăspoon olive oil to wărm skillet. Then ădd onions, bell pepper ănd gărlic.  Cook ănd stir to heăted ănd tender- 2-3 minutes.  
  4. Last One, Turn heăt off ănd ădd chicken băck to skillet ănd stir with veggies to combine.  Plăce sliced cheese over ăll ănd cover 2-3 minutes to melt.
  5. Note: Serve up in bowls for those eăting low cărb.  Serve with wărm hoăgie rolls for others.

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