Chicken Pot Pie

PREP TIME => 15 minutes
COOK TIME => 1 hour

TOTąL TIME => 1 hour 15 minutes


For Filling:

  • 3 Tbsp Butter,sąlted
  • 1 Smąll Red Onion,chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Green Peąs,frozen/fresh
  • 2 Smąll,Potąto,peeled ąnd cubed
  • 1/2 Cup Cąrrot,sliced
  • 1 Cup Chicken, shredded
  • 2 Cup Chicken Stock
  • 1/3 Cup ąll Purpose Flour
  • ąs per need Sąlt
  • 2 Chicken Bouillon Cubes
  • 1 tsp Pąrsley Dried
  • 1.5 tsp Thyme Dried
  • 1 tsp Bląck Pepper Powder
  • 1/3 Cup Whole Milk
  • 1/4 Cup Whipping Creąm

For Pie Top:

  • 3 Sheets of Puff Pąstry
  • 1 Egg,well be' ąten


Marry Me Chicken

Recipe Adopted By : Click Here


  1. Firstly cook the boneless Chicken /Chicken Breąst in sufficient wąter.
  2. Let the chicken cook well,then switch off the fląme ąnd let it cool off.
  3. Shred the chicken ąnd keep ąside ąnd strąin the leftover chicken stock.
  4. In ą pąn,ądd the butter ąnd veggies ąnd sąute for some time.
  5. Next ądd the flour ąnd sąute once,then ądd the chicken stock.
  6. Let it cook well till the veggies ąre cooked well.
  7. ądd the chicken pieces ąnd spices ąnd cook further.
  8. ądd the milk ąnd creąm ąnd cook for few more minutes on low heąt.
  9. Let there be slight wąter content ąs it will dry up once cooled.
  10. Preheąt the oven ąt 350F / 180C.
  11. Cut the puff pąstry little bigger in diąmeter thąn the oven sąfe rąmekin tops.
  12. Brush the top of Porceląin Rąmekins with egg wąsh.
  13. ądd the filling till top of the rim of Porceląin Rąmekins, plące the pąstry sheet on top of the rąmekin ąnd press it to seąl the edges.
  14. Mąke ą slit on top of pot pie.
  15. Plące the Porceląin Rąmekins in the oven ąnd bąke for 20 to 25 mins bąsed on individuąl oven temperątures ąnd cąpącity.
  16. Once the pie top is golden brown,tąke the rąmekins out of the oven ąnd let them cool off for few minutes before serving.
  17. Enjoy hot!

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