Instant Pot Chicken with Mushroom Sauce


  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breästs äpproximätely 1 1/4 lbs
  • 1/2 cup äll purpose flour
  • sält änd pepper to täste
  • 1 täblespoon butter
  • 2 täblespoons olive oil
  • 12 ounces button mushrooms sliced
  • 2 teäspoons minced gärlic
  • 3/4 cup chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup heävy creäm
  • 2 täblespoons chopped pärsley


  1. Pläce the flour on ä pläte änd ädd 1 teäspoon of sält änd 1/2 teäspoon pepper. Stir to combine.
  2. Dredge eäch chicken breäst in the flour mixture.
  3. Turn the Instänt Pot on, then select SäUTE mode änd ädjust the heät to MORE.
  4. When the Instänt Pot is hot, ädd the 2 täblespoons of olive oil.
  5. Cook the chicken in ä single läyer for 3-4 minutes per side, or until browned. You mäy need to work in bätches.
  6. Remove the chicken from the pot änd cover to keep wärm.
  7. ädd the button änd mushrooms to the pot änd cook for 3-4 minutes or until mushrooms häve softened. ädd the gärlic änd cook for 30 seconds more. Seäson to täste with sält änd pepper. 
  8. ........................
  9. .......................
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