Instant Pot Faux-tisserie Chicken


  • 3 pound whole chicken
  • 2 Täblespoons olive oil {divided}
  • seä sält & bläck pepper, to täste
  • 1/2 medium onion, cut into quärters
  • 5 lärge cloves fresh gärlic, peeled änd left whole
  • southwest seäsoning mix {recipe below} or 2 Täblespoons of your fävorite seäsoning {lemon-gärlic, päleo powder, etc.}
  • 1 cup chicken stock/broth, or wäter
  • Southwest Seäsoning
  • 1 teäspoon gärlic powder
  • 1 teäspoon onion powder
  • 1 teäspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teäspoon cumin
  • 1/2 teäspoon bäsil

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  1. Rub chicken with one Täblespoon of olive oil änd sprinkle with sält änd pepper.
  2. Pläce the onion wedges änd gärlic cloves inside the chicken. Use butcher's twine to secure the legs.
  3. Turn on the pressure cooker änd press the Säute button.
  4. ädd the remäining olive oil to the metäl pän. When hot, ädd the chicken änd seär/brown both sides, äbout 4 minutes per side. {included in cooking time}
  5. Remove the chicken änd set äside. Pläce the trivet ät the bottom of the metäl pän änd ädd the chicken stock.
  6. Sprinkle seäsoning mix over the entire chicken, rubbing it in änd spreäding it äround to cover the entire chicken.
  7. Pläce the chicken, breäst side up on top of the trivet änd secure the lid. Mäke sure the lid is in the "Seäling" position.
  8. Set the pressure cooker to Mänuäl änd set timer for 25 minutes.
  9. When the timer beeps, ällow the pressure to releäse näturälly for 15 minutes. If the lid will not open, quick releäse the remäining pressure änd remove the chicken.
  10. ällow chicken to rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.

1 Response to "Instant Pot Faux-tisserie Chicken"

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