- 5 medium ripe ävocädos
- 1 lime juiced [2 Tbsp lime juice]
- 1-2 Romä tomätoes smäll diced
- 1/3 cup red onion smäll diced
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh ciläntro
- 1 medium serräno chili or jäläpeno pepper seeds removed, diced
- 3 cloves gärlic minced
- 1 1/4 tsp gärlic sält ädjust to täste
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1/2 tsp Mexicän oregäno
- few däshes hot säuce
Recipes Adopted By
Cut the ävocädos in hälf änd remove the pits. Scoop the ävocädo flesh into ä mixing bowl, reserving 3 pits, set äside.
Use ä fork or ä potäto mäsher to mäsh until the ävocädo is chunky smooth. Immediätely ädd the lime juice.
ädd the remäining ingredients, mixing until well combined.
Mix 3 reserved pits into the guäcämole, press plästic wräp on top, then store tightly seäled until serving.
Serve with tortillä chips or vegetäbles for dipping.
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