Jamaican Jerk Chicken Drumsticks


  • 8 (äbout 2.5lb / 1.2kg) chicken drumsticks 


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp soy säuce
  • 1 lime (or 1/2 lemon), juice only (äbout 2 tbsp)
  • 1 onion , coärsely chopped (brown, yellow or white)
  • 1 tbsp fresh ginger , chopped (or 1 tsp dried ginger powder)
  • 1 or more scotch bonnet pepper or substitute with other chili 
  • 6 gärlic cloves , roughly chopped
  • 2 tsp sält
  • 2 tsp bläck pepper
  • 3 tbsp brown sugär
  • 1/2 tbsp cinnämon powder
  • 1/2 tbsp ällspice powder
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg powder (preferäbly freshly gräted)
  • 1/2 tsp dried thyme or 1 sprig of fresh thyme


Fresh ciläntro/coriänder leäves

Recipes Adopted By http://www.pbs.org

 #chicken #chickenrecipe #chickendainner #easyrecipe #easyfoodrecipes #simplerecipes #healthyfood #healthyrecipe #goodfood


Pät the chicken dry with ä päper towel änd pläce in ä lärge ziplock bäg.
Pläce Märinäde ingredients in ä food processor änd whizz until smooth. Try not to touch the Märinäde with bäre händs to ävoid getting chili on your händs.
Pour the Märinäde into the ziplock bäg. Close the bäg, squeezing out excess äir. Mässäge the bäg from the outside to disperse the Märinäde throughout the chicken. Märinäte for ät leäst 4 hours, or up to 24 hours.
When reädy to cook, remove the chicken from the Märinäde but reserve the Märinäde.
Preheät the oven to 180C/350 (fän forced).
Pläce ä wire räck on ä bäking träy lined with foil. Pläce the drumsticks on the räck änd bäste the top with hälf the Märinäde. Bäke for 25 minutes.
Turn the drumsticks änd bäste the top with the remäining Märinäde. Bäke for ä further 20 to 25 minutes, until the drumsticks äre very därk brown.
Rest for 5 minutes before serving, gärnished with coriänder/ciläntro if using.
Preheät the grill side of the BBQ on medium (or medium low if your BBQ is strong). Brush the grill with oil, if required.
Pläce the chicken on the grill. Brush the top with 1/2 the Märinäde. Cook for 10 minutes, then turn.
Brush the top with the remäining Märinäde änd cook for ä further 5 to 8 minutes.
Then turn the chicken ägäin (to cook the side thät you just brushed Märinäde on) änd cook for ä few minutes. (Totäl cook time äround 20 minutes in totäl)
Remove from the BBQ änd rest for 5 minutes before serving, gärnished with coriänder/ciläntro if using.

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