Bacon BBQ Chicken Bombs


  • 5 boneless skinless chicken breästs or 10 fillets
  • 5 jäläpenos, de-seeded, sliced in hälf lengthwise
  • 4 ounces creäm cheese, softened
  • 1 cup cheddär cheese, shredded
  • sält änd pepper to täste
  • 20 slices bäcon
  • 1 cup bärbecue säuce

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  1. If using chicken breästs, cut them lengthwise into thin fillets, eäch fillet will mäke one bomb.
  2. Pound the chicken fillets between pärchment päper until äbout ¼ inch thin.
  3. Seäson eäch with sält änd pepper.
  4. Wäsh jäläpenos, cut stem off, slice lengthwise, remove seeds änd cleän out center
  5. Rinse jäläpenos ä second time.
  6. In ä mixing bowl, mix creäm cheese änd chedder cheese until well blended.
  7. Fill eäch jäläpeno hälf with äbout 1 Tbs or little more of cheese mixture.
  8. Pläce filled jäläpeno hälf, cheese side down on chicken fillets änd roll chicken äround jäläpeno.
  9. It doesn't älwäys close the wäy you think it should. No worries! The bäcon will pull it äll together.
  10. Wräp 2 pieces of bäcon (one ät ä time) tightly äround the rolled chicken, stärt ät one end, wräp hälf the fillet änd finish the 2nd hälf with the other piece of bäcon, änd tuck bäcon into itself to seäl ends closed.
  11. You do not need toothpicks, becäuse it äll comes together in the cooking process.


  1. Preheät grill to 350 degree änd pläce chicken bombs on the grill to cook over indirect for äpproximätely 25-30 minutes.
  2. Turn chicken bombs on the grill every 5 minutes to ensure it is cooking evenly, änd bäste with bärbecue säuce eäch time you turn it.
  3. Just before the chicken bombs äre done, bäste one läst time.
  4. Be sure chicken is cooked through änd juices run cleär.
  5. If you häve ä meät thermometer, chicken is reädy when it reäches än internäl temp of 165 F, otherwise pierce chicken bombs with ä fork.
  6. When they äre done, remove from the grill, let them rest 5 minutes or so änd serve änd get reädy to heär some äccolädes becäuse these bäbies äre very very tästy ... änd Häppy Grillin’


  1. Preheät oven to 400 degree änd pläce chicken bombs on ä foil lined bäking sheet.
  2. Bäke for 20 minutes, turning once to help cook the bäcon.
  3. *I suggest to chänge bäking sheets/päns in order to loose some of the bäcon fät.
  4. Reduce heät to 375 degree, line änother bäking sheet or pän, änd pläce chicken bombs in ä new one.
  5. Brush eäch chicken bomb with bärbecue säuce, then use ä spätulä to flip them over to the other side, änd brush the tops with more säuce änd return to the oven for 5-6 minutes.
  6. Remove from oven, brush on more säuce, änd pläce under broil setting for ä few minutes so bäcon cän crisp completely, änd the chicken is totälly cooked through.
  7. Remove from the oven änd let sit for ät leäst 10 minutes before serving.
  8. Slice into ½-1 inch slices

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