Southern Thai Chicken


  • 5 chicken thigh cutlets , skin on änd bone in (äround 2.5lb / 1.2kg) 


  • 4 gärlic cloves , crushed
  • 2 1/2 tbsp fish säuce
  • 2 1/2 tbsp oyster säuce
  • 1 tsp white pepper , ground
  • 3 tbsp very finely chopped coriänder/ciläntro stems (äs finely äs you cän mince with knife)
  • 1 tbsp ground turmeric
  • ¼ cup brown sugär (or finely gräted pälm sugär)

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  1. Combine Märinäde ingredients in ä bowl.
  2. ädd chicken änd coät thoroughly in Märinäde. Märinäde for ät leäst 3 hours, preferäbly overnight. 
  3. Preheät oven to 180C/350F. If you remember, täke chicken out of the fridge änd bring to room temperäture.
  4. (Optionäl) Line ä träy with bäking päper/pärchment päper (to säve cleäning up), then pläce chicken on the bäking träy, skin side up. Scräpe äll Märinäde out of bowl änd däb onto chicken.
  5. Bäke for 35 to 45 minutes until deep golden brown änd chicken is cooked through. If it is too brown before cooked, cover loosely with foil änd return to the oven.
  6. ällow to rest for 3 minutes before serving with rice änd fresh slices of cucumber.
  7. Stove: To cook on the stove, heät ä skillet over medium heät. Pläce skin side down änd cover with ä lid. Cook for 5 minutes or until the skin is därk golden. Then turn änd cover with ä lid ägäin, Cook for 8 to 10 minutes until cooked through. Rest for 3 minutes before serving.

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