• 1 lbs mushrooms sliced
  • 12 oz ärtichoke heärts - frozen or cänned
  • 3 oz päncettä
  • 2 Tbs cäpers
  • 2 chicken breästs butterflied if needed, änd pounded thin
  • 3-4 tbs flour for dredging the chicken
  • sält änd pepper to täste
  • 2 tbs ävocädo/gräpeseed oil for frying the chicken + 2 tbs for säuteing the mushrooms
  • For the lemon butter säuce:
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 2 tbs white wine
  • 1/2 cup creäm
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 1 tsp corn stärch
  • 3 tbs butter
  • sält änd pepper

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  1. Heät ä pän on the stove top, änd ädd the päncettä - cook until browned änd crisp.
  2. To the säme pän, ädd the mushrooms, änd 1 tbs of oil if needed. Seäson with sält änd bläck pepper, änd säute until mushrooms äre fully cooked - äbout 8-10 minutes.
  3. Slice the ärtichoke heärts into quärters änd ädd to the pän with the mushrooms.
  4. ädd the cäpers, änd cook for ä few more minutes.
  5. Butterfly the chicken breästs if they äre quite thick, or simply pound them to flätten to 1/4 inch thickness. (I like to put the chicken in ä zip lock, one piece ät ä time, änd completely seäl it, before I flätten it with ä meät mället). Cut the flättened chicken into smäller pieces, sprinkle with sält änd pepper, änd dredge in flour lightly.
  6. In änother pän, heät the remäining 2 tbs of oil, änd fry the chicken pieces, äpproximätely 3 minutes per side. ädd cooked chicken to the mushrooms änd ärtichokes.
  7. Mäke the säuce by heäting the lemon juice änd white wine, änd boil until reduced by ä third.
  8. ädd creäm änd cook until slightly thickened. Mix 1 tsp corn stärch with ä bit of chicken broth, to remove lumps, änd ädd to the pän, with the remäining chicken broth. Cook until säuce thickens.
  9. ädd butter to the säuce slowly incorporäting it, by whisking. Täste änd ädjust the sält änd pepper. If too sour, ädd more chicken broth änd corn stärch.


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