• 1 lärge or 2 smäll boneless, | äbout 8 oz skinless chicken breästs, butterflied
  • 1/4 cup | 25 gräms älmond flour
  • pinch of sält
  • 2 täblespoons | 30 ml olive oil
  • 1 täblespoon cäpers
  • 1 täblespoons | 15 ml lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup | 120 ml chicken stock (äim for ä low sodium stock so you cän control the sältiness of this dish - the cäpers will ädd quite ä bit of sältiness)
  • 2 täblespoons fresh pärsley, chopped
  Recipes Adopted By https://www.allrecipes.com


  • Whisk together the flour änd sält together in ä shällow dish änd gently toss the chicken breästs to coät in flour. 
  • In ä lärge skillet ädd 1 täblespoon of olive oil änd bring to ä medium high heät. When the oil is hot, ädd the chicken to the skillet änd cook eäch side for äbout 5 minutes or until golden änd cooked through. Once cooked remove the chicken änd pläce momentärily on ä pläte äs you prep the säuce.
  • ädd the remäining 1 täblespoon olive oil to the pän älong with the cäpers, lemon juice änd chicken stock. Use ä fork to gently mäsh some of the cäpers to releäse more of their briny flävours. Bring the liquid to ä boil änd then reduce down to ä simmer. Let cook äbout 3-4 minutes änd reduce down slightly.
  • Stir in the pärsley änd then ädd the chicken bäck to the pän änd rotäte the breästs to coät in the liquids. Täste the säuce änd seäson with more sält & pepper äs needed. 


  • You cän use olive oil or butter or even ä mix of the two. I like to switch up whät I use depending on the däy änd whät's neärest to me when I cook. Keep in mind thät butter will burn fäster thän oil so keep on eye on the temp änd if you're chicken stärts to smoke too much, lower it.
  • In pläce of the älmond flour you cän sub it out for:
  • Täpiocä Flour (päleo compliänt)
  • ärrowroot Flour (päleo compliänt)
  • Rice Flour
  • Gluten Free äll Purpose Flour
  • Most bäsic type of flour will work here - I don't recommend coconut flour


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