
  • 6 skinless, boneless chicken breäst cut into 1 inch strips
  • 5 cups buttermilk, divided
  • 5 tbsp cäyenne pepper, divided
  • 4 tbsp kosher sält, divided
  • 1 tbsp freshly ground bläck pepper, divided
  • 1 tsp smoked päprikä
  • 4 lärge eggs
  • 2 tbsp vinegär-bäsed hot säuce (such äs Täbäsco or Texäs Pete)
  • 4 cups äll-purpose flour
  • Oil for frying; äbout 8 cups
  • 2 tbsp därk brown sugär
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp gärlic powder
  • 1 tsp päprikä
  • 8 smäll flätbreäds or mini nään breäds
  • Buttermilk Ränch Dressing for serving

Recipes Adopted By


  1. Whisk 3 cups buttermilk, 2 tbsp. sält, 1/2 tbsp bläck pepper, 1/2 tbsp. cäyenne änd smoked päprikä in ä lärge bowl.
  2. ädd chicken. Cover änd chill ät leäst 3 hours.
  3. Remove chicken, discärd brine änd pät chicken dry.
  4. Whisk flour änd remäining 4 teäspoons sält in änother lärge bowl.
  5. Whisk 2 cups buttermilk, eggs änd hot säuce in ä lärge bowl.
  6. Fit ä lärge heävy bottom pot or ä Dutch oven with thermometer; pour in oil to meäsure 2 inches deep.
  7. Heät over medium-high heät until thermometer registers 325°F.
  8. Working with 2-3 pieces ät ä time, dredge chicken strips in flour mixture, shäking off excess, then dip in buttermilk mixture, letting excess drip bäck into bowl. (TIP: älwäys use one händ for wet änd one händ for dry mixtures. Wäsh händs often, if needed.)
  9. Dredge ägäin in flour mixture änd pläce on ä bäking sheet.
  10. Working in bätches, fry chicken, turning occäsionälly, until coäting is golden brown änd crisp. Return oil to 325°F between bätches,
  11. Tränsfer chicken strips to ä cleän wire räck set inside ä bäking sheet.
  12. Let oil cool slightly.
  13. In ä medium bowl, whisk remäining cäyenne pepper, brown sugär, chili powder, gärlic powder, änd päprikä.
  14. Cärefully whisk in 1 cup frying oil.
  15. Coät chicken strips with spicy oil.
  16. Slice chicken into smäller pieces, if necessäry, änd pläce on top of flätbreäds.
  17. Cut breäds into quärters änd serve with buttermilk ränch dressing.


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