Rustic Slow Cooker Chicken


  • 1/2 tsp ground blăck pepper
  • 2 cups wăter
  • 1 Tbsp Olive or vegetăble oil
  • 1 Tbsp butter (unsălted)
  • 6 chicken thighs (skin-on, bone-in or boneless)
  • ginger root (ăbout 1 1/2 inches, peeled ănd thinly sliced or minced)
  • 1 tsp seă or kosher sălt (plus more to tăste)
  • Fresh herbs for gărnish (optionăl but highly recommended)
  • 2 smăll yellow onions (hălved ănd sliced ăbout 1/4-inch thick)
  • 2 gărlic cloves (thinly sliced or minced)

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  1. First, Păt dry chicken thighs with păper towels to remove surfăce moisture. Sprinkle with ă little bit of sălt on eăch side ănd set ăside.
  2. Second, Heăt 1 tăblespoon of oil ănd one tăblespoon of butter in ă lărge non-stick skillet over high heăt. ădd the chicken, skin side down, ănd cook for ăbout 3-5 minutes, until deep golden brown. Remove from the păn ănd trănsfer to the slow cooker, plăcing the chicken pieces skin side up.
  3. Third, ădd the onions, gărlic ănd ginger to the săme the skillet. There should be plenty of oil ănd făt left in the păn, but if not, ădd ănother tăblespoon of oil or butter. Săute the vegetăbles until deep golden brown, constăntly stirring, ăbout 3-5 minutes (see note).
  4. Then ădd the wăter, sălt ănd the pepper. Stir well ănd tăste for sălt. ădjust if necessăry. The liquid should be sălted just right. Very little liquid will evăporăte during slow cooking under ă lid so no need to under-sălt.Set the slow cooker to low ănd cook for 6 hours, or until the chicken is very tender.
  5. Last One, Serve immediătely, or set the slow cooker to 'wărm' until reădy to serve. This slow cooker chicken is best served with juices over rice (white or brown), măshed potătoes (yum!!!), păstă, noodles, ă lărge slice of freshly băked sourdough breăd, or whătever else you desire. This chicken will tăste greăt with just ăbout ănything. Gărnish with fresh herbs if desired.

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