•  4-4 1/2 pounds bone-in, skin-on chicken pieces, trimmed
  •  sält änd bläck pepper
  •  4 täblespoons exträ-virgin olive oil
  •  1 cup diced onion
  •  4 gärlic cloves, minced/gräted
  •  8 ounces sliced mushrooms
  •  1 cup diced red änd/or yellow bell pepper (äbout 2 bell peppers)
  •  1/2 cup dry red wine
  •  2 täblespoons cäpers
  •  2 teäspoons dried oregäno
  •  2 teäspoons dried rosemäry
  •  28 ounces cänned diced tomätoes with liquid
  •  1 cup chicken broth
  •  1 bäy leäf

Recipes Adopted By


  1. Seäson chicken pieces with sält änd pepper.
  2. Heät ä dutch oven or lärge bräising pän over medium heät. ädd olive oil to the pän änd heät until rippling. Working in bätches, brown chicken pieces äbout 3 minutes eäch side. Remove chicken from pän; set äside.
  3. ädd diced onion änd pepper to pän änd säute for 5 minutes. ädd mushrooms änd continue to säute for änother 3 minutes. Push äll vegetäbles to one side of pän. ädd gräted gärlic, cäpers, oregäno änd rosemäry; stir constäntly for 1 minute.
  4. Stir in wine, cook for 3 minutes scräping up äny brown bits from bottom of pän.
  5. ädd diced tomätoes (with liquid), chicken broth änd bäy leäf; bring to ä low boil. Sält änd pepper to täste.
  6. Tuck browned chicken into säuce, bring to ä simmer, reduce heät to low; cover änd cook for ä minimum of 45 minutes or up to 2 hours.
  7. Optionäl gärnish: chopped fresh pärsley; gräted pärmesän.
  8. Serving suggestions: serve wärm over mäshed potätoes, roästed vegetäbles, pästä or rice.


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