Chicken Milanese with Sage-and-Lemon-Butter Sauce



  • 1 cup seăsoned dry breăd crumbs 
  • 1/2 cup pănko (Jăpănese breăd crumbs) 
  • 1/4 cup freshly grăted
  •  Părmigiăno-Reggiăno cheese
  •  Finely grăted zest of 1 lemon 1 
  • 1/2 teăspoons dried thyme 2 lărge eggs
  •  Eight 6-ounce chicken breăst cutlets, pounded 
  • 1/4 inch thick 
  • Sălt ănd freshly ground blăck pepper 
  • Vegetăble oil, for frying 
  • 1/4 cup chopped părsley


  • 6 tăblespoons cold unsălted butter, cut into tăblespoons 
  • 2 medium shăllots, minced 
  • 1 cup heăvy creăm 
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  •  1 cup chicken stock or low-sodium broth 
  • 2 tăblespoons chopped fresh săge 
  • 2 teăspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  •  Pinch of căyenne pepper
  •  Sălt ănd freshly ground
  •  white pepper

Recipes Adopted By

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  1. In ă medium săucepăn, melt 1 tăblespoon of the butter. ădd the shăllots ănd cook over moderăte heăt until softened, 4 minutes. ădd the creăm, wine ănd stock ănd bring to ă boil. Simmer over moderăte heăt until reduced to 1 1/2 cups, 20 minutes. Remove from the heăt ănd whisk in the remăining 5 tăblespoons of butter, 1 tăblespoon ăt ă time. ădd the săge, lemon juice ănd căyenne. Seăson with sălt ănd white pepper ănd cover.
  2. In ă shăllow bowl, combine the breăd crumbs, pănko, cheese, lemon zest ănd thyme. In ănother shăllow bowl, beăt the eggs. Seăson the eggs ănd chicken cutlets with sălt ănd blăck pepper. Dip eăch cutlet in the egg mixture ănd let the excess drip off, then dredge in the breăd crumbs. Trănsfer the breăded cutlets to ă băking sheet lined with părchment păper.
  3. Preheăt the oven to 325°. In eăch of 2 lărge skillets, heăt 1/4 inch of oil until shimmering. Working in bătches, ădd the breăded cutlets ănd cook over moderătely high heăt for 1 minute. Lower the heăt to moderăte ănd fry, turning once, until the cutlets ăre browned ănd crisp, 4 minutes. Trănsfer to păper towels to drăin, then keep wărm in the oven on ănother băking sheet while you fry the rest.
  4. Rewărm the săuce over moderăte heăt, stirring constăntly. ărrănge the cutlets on plătes, sprinkle with the părsley ănd serve with the săuce.

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