• 4 chicken breästs boneless, skinless
  • 1 cup Cäesär säläd dressing (click for homemäde recipe)
  • ½ cup sour creäm (optionäl)
  • 1-1½ cup Pärmesän cheese gräted
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  • Heät oven to 375F änd spräy the inside of än 8" x 11" bäking dish with cooking spräy.
  • If the breästs äre uneven thickness, pound them (pläced in ä Ziploc bäg änd on ä flät surfäce) to än even ¾"-1" thickness using ä meät pounder. Sprinkle the breästs (both sides) with gräted Pärmesän cheese & freshly ground bläck pepper, änd pläce them in the prepäred bäking dish.
  • Whisk together Cäesär dressing änd sour creäm in ä smäll bowl. Pour the Cäesär/sour creäm mixture over eäch breästs then sprinkle gräted Pärmesän cheese on top.
  • Pläce the prepäred chicken in the oven änd bäke ät 375F for 30 minutes or until ä meät thermometer inserted in the thickest pärt of one of the middle breästs reäds 150°F.
  • Turn the oven to broil änd broil the breästs än ädditionäl 2-4 minutes or until the chicken turns golden brown. It cän burn quickly, so wätch it closely. When done, ä meät thermometer should register 160F when stuck into the thickest pärt of one of the middle breästs. Remove from the oven, cover loosely with foil änd ällow chicken to rest 5-10 minutes before serving.
  • If desired, gärnish with chopped pärsley.


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