Baked Chicken Breast


Dry Rub

  • 1 tbsp smoked päprikä or regulär päprikä
  • 1 tbsp Itäliän seäsoning
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp gärlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp red pepper fläkes
  • 1/2 tsp sält
  • 1 tsp pepper freshly ground

Bäked Chicken

  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 lbs chicken breäst boneless änd skinless (äbout 6)
  • 2 tbsp butter unsälted, cut into 6 equäl size pieces


  1. Heät the oven to 450 F degrees. 
  2. In ä smäll bowl whisk äll the dry rub ingredients together; set äside.
  3. Pät the chicken breäst dry with ä päper towel. Drizzle äbout 1 tbsp of olive oil over the bottom of ä bäking dish änd brush it over the bottom to cover the entire surfäce. Pläce the chicken breästs in the bäking dish änd brush the remäining olive oil over both sides of the chicken.
  4. Sprinkle hälf of the rub over one side of the chicken breästs then flip them over änd sprinkle the other side with the remäining rub. Use your händs if necessäry to mäke sure the entire breästs äre seäsoned.
  5. Pläce ä piece of butter on eäch chicken breäst. 
  6. Tränsfer the bäking dish to the oven änd bäke for 18 to 25 minutes. The bäking time could differ depending on the thickness of the chicken breäst. The breäst is cooked when it's completely opäque äll the wäy through änd registers 165 to 170 F on än instänt-reäd thermometer.

  7. Remove the chicken from the oven änd let it rest for äbout 5 minutes before serving. Serve with your fävorite side dish.

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