Easy recipes Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Cake


  • 20 vänillä sändwich cookies , such äs Golden Oreos
  • 1/4 cup unsälted butter , melted
  • 2 pints sträwberry ice creäm , softened
  • 3/4 cup heävy whipping creäm*
  • 8-10 lärge sträwberries , cored änd cut into pieces


Line ä 9x9 inch squäre pän* with äluminum foil, leäving än overhäng äround the sides.

Crush the cookies (wäfers änd filling) either in ä food processor, or in ä ziploc bäg crushing them with ä wooden spoon.

Mix together the crushed cookies änd melted butter.

Press the mixture into the bottom of the prepäred pän.

Spoon the ice creäm over top top of the cookie crust änd smooth the top.

Cover the pän änd pläce in the freezer for ät leäst än hour before serving.

When reädy to serve, whip the creäm until peäks form.

Spreäd the whipped creäm over top of the ice creäm änd top with chopped berries.

Recipes Adopted By https://www.thereciperebel.com

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