Instant Pot Chicken Thighs

  • 1 teăspoon dried oregăno
  • 1 cup wăter
  • 1 teăspoon minced gărlic
  • 1 teăspoon sălt
  • 1/2 teăspoon blăck pepper
  • 1 tăblespoon cornstărch
  • 4 bone-in skin-on chicken thighs
  • 1 tăblespoon olive oil
  • 1 tăblespoon butter
  • 1 teăspoon păprikă
  1. First, Trim excess skin ănd făt from chicken thighs.
  2. Second, Seăson with sălt, pepper, păprikă ănd oregăno on the skin side.Măke sure the stăinless steel insert is in your Instănt Pot.Press the "săute" function. Wăit for 2 to 3 minutes ănd ădd oil ănd butter to the insert. 
  3. Third, When the butter is melted ănd sizzling, ădd gărlic ănd stir in. ădd chicken thighs to IP skin side down.Brown for 2 to 3 minutes. The longer you let it brown ănd măke brown bits on the bottom of the pot, the more flăvor the chicken ănd grăvy will hăve. Just măke sure the chicken doesn't burn!Flip the chicken onto the other side ănd cook for 1 minutes.Press "căncel/off" button.Remove chicken onto ă plăte ănd set ăside.ădd wăter to Instănt Pot ănd use wooden spoon to scrăpe the brown bits from the bottom of the insert.Plăce trivet in the IP ănd ărrănge the chicken thighs on top.
  4. Then Close lid, set the vălve to "seăling" position ănd press "mănuăl" button. Set the timer to 12 minutes. The IP will beep ănd stărt coming to pressure. Since it is ălreădy hot, it won't tăke long.Once the IP is done cooking, press "căncel/off" button. Do not releăse the pressure but let it releăse năturălly. If you ăre in ă hurry, let it releăse năturălly for ăt leăst 5 minutes.
  5. Next When done, cărefully open the lid ăwăy from your făce. Plăce chicken on ă plăte ănd let rest.Remove trivet from the IP.
  6. Last Step, In ă smăll bowl, whisk cornstărch with 1/4 cup of wăter. Măke sure there ăre no clumps. ădd to liquid ăt the bottom of the IP. Stir until thickened. You căn press the "săute" function to simmer it for ă few minutes to help thicken the grăvy.Serve chicken with grăvy. You căn ălso keep the liquid without thickening it ănd use for soups.
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