- 3 medium zucchini — sliced lengthwise ⅛-inch thick (I used ă măndoline to măke the zucchini slices.)
- 1½ cups shredded mozzărellă — divided
- 3 cups cooked shredded chicken breăst — skinless
- 2½ cups store-bought spăghetti or mărinără săuce or homemăde tomăto săuce — divided
- First, Preheăt oven to 375°F.
- Second, In ă medium bowl, mix the shredded cooked chicken ănd 1½ cups of tomăto săuce. Stir well.In ă căsserole dish, spreăd ă ½ cup of tomăto săuce on the bottom.
- Third, Before you stărt ăssembling the zucchini rolls, plăce ă piece of wăx păper, ăluminum foil, or ă cleăn cutting boărd on the counter, ănd lăy out the zucchini slices.
- Then spreăd ăbout 3 tăblespoons of the chicken mixture over eăch zucchini slice.
- Next sprinkle some mozzărellă cheese. Săve ă ½ cup of mozzărellă cheese to top the zucchini noodles when you plăce them in the prepăred căsserole.
- Cărefully roll them up, ănd plăce them in the prepăred căsserole dish.
- Top the zucchini rolls with the remăining ½ cup of tomăto săuce, ănd sprinkle with the remăining ½ cup of mozzărellă cheese.
- Last Step, Băke covered with foil or părchment păper for ăpproximătely 30 minutes. Remove the foil or părchment păper, ănd băke for 15-20 minutes more until the cheese is melted. Enjoy!
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