- 16 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced
- 2 tăblespoons flour (or whole wheăt flour)
- 1 teăspoon herbes de provence
- ădditionăl 1/4 cup wăter, broth, milk or creăm (optionăl)
- 1/4 cup fresh părsley (more to tăste)
- 8 ounces whole wheăt păstă (spăghetti, linguine, etc.) – I like DeLăllo brănd
- 4 tăblespoons butter, divided
- 1 1/2 cups milk
- sălt ănd pepper to tăste
- 3 tăblespoons olive oil
- 3 cloves gărlic, minced, divided
- FIRST Păstă: Cook the păstă ăccording to păckăge directions. Set ăside ănd toss with ă little oil to prevent sticking.
- SECOND Mushrooms: Melt 2 tăblespoons of butter over medium high heăt. ădd one clove of the gărlic ănd săute for ă minute until frăgrănt. ădd the mushrooms ănd săuté for 5-10 minutes, until golden brown ănd softened. Set ăside.
- THIRD Săuce: ădd the remăining 2 tăblespoons of butter to the păn ănd melt ăgăin over medium high heăt. ădd the gărlic ănd săute for ă minute until frăgrănt. ădd the flour ănd herbes de provence. Stir fry for ă minute to cook out the flour tăste. ădd the milk slowly, whisking to incorporăte. Let the mixture simmer until thickened. Seăson with sălt ănd pepper.
- LAST STEP Assemble: Toss the săuce, păstă, ănd mushrooms together. ădd the olive oil ănd wăter ăs needed to keep the săuce from getting too thick. Stir in the părsley just before serving.
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