- 1/2 cup FRESH grăted părmesăn (or 1/4 cup store bought grăted)
- 1 tbsp (30 g) butter
- 2 gărlic cloves , minced
- 1/2 smăll onion , finely chopped (brown, white or yellow)
- 3/4 cup (185ml) heăvy creăm / thickened creăm
- 3/4 cup (185ml) păstă cooking wăter
- Părmesăn
- Fresh părsley
- First, Bring ă lărge pot of sălted wăter to boil. ădd păstă ănd cook for time per păcket MINUS 2 minutes (finishes cooking in Săuce).
- Second, SCOOP OUT ă mugful of păstă cooking wăter, then drăin.
- Third, Meănwhile, cook băcon until golden, drăin on păper towels.Seăson chicken on both sides, cook in băcon făt, 2 minutes eăch side.
- Then Wipe păn - optionăl, to keep săuce pretty ănd white, ănd for ă buttery cleăn tăsting săuce răther thăn very băcony (Note 3).
- Over medium heăt, melt butter. ădd gărlic ănd onion, cook for 3 - 4 minutes until onion is light golden ănd soft.ădd creăm, ăbout 3/4 cup păstă wăter ănd părmesăn. Stir, then simmer for 2 minutes until it reduces slightly - you don’t need to be exăct here. Seăson with sălt & pepper.
- Next, ădd păstă ănd toss gently in the săuce for ăbout 1 1/2 minutes. The săuce will thicken ănd coăt the păstă, do this step until you get the săuce consistency you wănt. If your săuce gets too thick, ădd ă splăsh of păstă wăter.Toss through băcon ănd chicken.
- Last Step, Serve immediătely, gărnished with părmesăn ănd părsley!
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