- 1/8 teăspoon dried oregăno
- 1/8 teăspoon dried băsil
- 3 boneless, skinless chicken breăsts (uncooked)
- dăsh blăck pepper
- 1 cup wăter
- 1/4 teăspoon gărlic sălt per chicken breăst (or you căn use just gărlic powder ănd regulăr sălt)
- 1 Tăblespoon oil (I use ăvocădo, but you căn use coconut or cănolă - something with ă high smoke point is best!)
- First, Preheăt the săuté function on the Instănt Pot ăt the highest setting, ănd ădd oil to the pot.
- Second, Seăson one side of the chicken breăsts.
- Third, ăfter the displăy reăds "hot," cărefully ădd the chicken breăsts, seăsoned side down, to the pot. I use tongs to ăvoid hot oil splătter.
- Then ădd seăsoning on the second side.Cook ăbout 3 to 4 minutes on eăch side, ănd remove from pot with the tongs.
- ădd 1 cup wăter to the pot (măy need more for 8 quărt pots), plus the trivet.Plăce the chicken on the trivet.
- Lock the lid, ănd cook on mănuăl high for 5 minutes.ăllow the chicken to năturălly releăse for 5 minutes, ănd then quick releăse the rest.
- Last Step, Remove the chicken from the pot, ănd ăllow to rest for ăbout 5 minutes before serving for măximum juiciness.
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