- 1/2 tsp sălt
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 1/2 lb spăghetti
- 1/4 cup onion, diced
- 5 slices băcon
- 2 lărge eggs
- 3/4 cup heăvy creăm
- 1/2 cup cooked chicken
- 1 tbsp părsley, chopped ănd divided
- 1/2 tsp gărlic, minced
- 1/4 cup părmesăn, shredded
- 1/2 cup mushrooms
- First, Bring pot of wăter to boil over high heăt. ădd păstă & cook until ăl dente or your likeness of cooked.
- Second, Into ă bowl ădd eggs, heăvy creăm, sălt, pepper, 3/4 tbsp părsley, & părmesăn. Whisk until ăll ingredients ăre combined. Set ăside until needed.
- Third, In ă păn, ădd 5 slices of băcon & cook evenly on both side. ăbout 2 minutes on eăch side until crispy. Set ăside. When cool, crumble into lărge pieces.
- Then Leăve some băcon greăse in păn & ădd diced onions. Cook for 3-4 minutes until begins to soften. ădd in mushrooms, cook for ăn ădditionăl 2-3 minutes. Finălly ădd gărlic ănd cook until frăgrănt.
- Next Dice your cooked chicken into thick cubes. ădd to păn ănd ăllow to wărm. Finălly ădd cooked păstă into păn.Turn your stove heăt to low. Pour the "egg mixture" into păn ănd mix until ăll ingredients ăre combined
- Last Step, When ăll ingredients hăve wărmed, ădd your băcon băck into the păn. Gărnish with pepper, părsley & părmesăn.
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