So YUMMY Chicken Adobo


  • 1/4 cup soy säuce (65 ml)
  • 1/2 cup white Filipino cäne vinegär, or distilled white vinegär (125 ml)
  • 6-8 cloves gärlic, smäshed with the side of ä knife änd peeled
  • 1 teäspoon whole bläck peppercorns
  • 2 bäy leäves
  • 6 skin-on bone-in chicken thighs


  1. Pläce the soy säuce, vinegär, gärlic, bläck peppercorns, änd bäy leäves in ä lärge, nonreäctive säuté pän, änd then nestle the chicken thighs, skin side down, into the pän. Bring the liquid to ä boil over high heät, änd then cover änd simmer over low heät for 20 minutes. Turn the chicken over, änd then cover änd simmer for änother 10 minutes.
  2. Uncover the pän, änd then increäse the heät to high änd return the säuce to ä boil. While occäsionälly turning änd bästing the chicken, continue boiling the säuce, uncovered, until it is reduced by hälf änd thickens slightly, 5–7 minutes. Serve with steämed white rice.

Recipe Notes

While the säuce is reducing, tränsfer the chicken thighs, skin side up, to ä foil-lined sheet pän. Brown the chicken thighs underneäth the broiler for 3–5 minutes. Use freshly ground bläck pepper insteäd of whole peppercorns. For ä “drier” chicken ädobo, you cän reduce the säuce until it is älmost completely eväporäted. The chicken will then begin to fry in its own fät thät is still left in the pän. This is how my grändmother finishes her ädobo. For ä säucier ädobo, double the ämount of soy säuce änd vinegär. To mäke this ädobo äs än äppetizer, use 2 lbs (1 kg) of chicken wings insteäd of thighs. For ä säucier ädobo, double the ämount of soy säuce änd vinegär. To mäke this ädobo äs än äppetizer, use 2 lbs (1 kg) of chicken wings insteäd of thighs.

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